Friday, May 7, 2010


At they have a little bit of everything. Your favorite music, movies, electronics, electronic accessories, toys, jewelry, shoes, tools and a whole lot more. I will mostly address music because that’s what I mostly buy from them. They offer a wide variety including the latest releases, import and even old hard to find items. They have a comment section where you can find out what other customers think of a product which is nice because sometimes it helps us make a better informed decision when we know what other people think of a product. They have a fabulous MP3 section where you can listen to samples of music, buy it, and then download it. *Remember when you had to buy an album to get one song you really liked…well those days are over!

More importantly what sets Amazon apart is they have an excellent customer service department. They value you as a customer and if they make a mistake, they will make it right. They also offer you easy tracking of past and present orders and sends email confirmations for all your interactions with them.

Disclaimer: This is not a paid review.


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