Sunday, June 20, 2010

Petpet Park!

Petpet Park is the sister site to Neopets. The site is even more user friendly for the smaller crowd. More simplistic games, cuter pets and they hang out at Petpet Park. You can work or play games to win pp(petpark) points to buy things for your pet. You can play individually or against other players and either way you win points. You get to name your pet, choose the color of your pet and a whole lot more. *This game is created by Nickelodeon Kids & Family Groups Virtual Worlds!



Neopet is another amazing site for kids, teens and adults alike where you can adopt a pet, name it, feed it, clothe it and just in general keep it happy. Neopia is the world where your pet lives and you earn neopoints to decorate your house that you are maintaining for your pet. It's a wonderful site with very addicting games. They have stricter guidelines for smaller kids under 13 when it comes to communicating with other menbers (designed to keep them safe), a form must be filled out by a parent giving parental consent. *This game is created by Nickelodeon Kids & Family Groups Virtual Worlds!


Nintendo Wii!

There was a time when I was looking for a second wii controller and this console game is so popular that the controllers were sold out almost everywhere...but you know who had plenty of stock...nintendo and it was going for the same price that they were selling for everywhere else! So if you need games or accessories for your wii check out what nintendo has to offer.


Sunday, June 13, 2010


Vevo is a great place to watch music videos (old and new) and many in HD. You can look up artist by name or by most popular which would include "Justin Bieber" of course.



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